Kindergarten - Grade 2

From starting school to going full time, you have had a lot of changes in your life. School is only one part. You have family, friends, and you! This can cause you to have questions. That is what we are here for. We are here to help you find what it means to take care of you and be healthy. The Kids Health Hub is here to help you answer your questions about you, your friends, your family, and how to calm down and feel better.

Learn More About…

What is Healthy?

Healthy is not just one thing. It is taking care of your body, mind, environment, and connecting with others. Discover how you can take good care of yourself.


Relationships are a big part of life whether they are with friends or loved ones. Uncover what makes a relationship healthy and supportive.

Pieces of Me

There are many pieces that make you your wonderful self. You are made of many wonderful parts. Explore what makes you unique and one of a kind.

What To Do When you Are Feeling Blue?

Sometimes, we do not feel our best. That is okay! We all feel down from time to time. Discover what to do when you are feeling blue.


Taking time for yourself is an important thing to do. Self-care helps you relax. Check out some different ways to practice self-care throughout your day.


Sometimes, life can be tricky. We can learn to deal with the challenges in a healthy way. Explore how to cope with the challenges you might face.

Help Lines

This phone number will connect you with adults who are there to help. You can trust them to talk about anything.

Kids Help Phone: 1-800-668–6868
Text: 686868