Body Awareness

Grounding helps to bring us to the present moment.

  1. Darth Vader breathing. Take a deep, slow breath through your nose. Breathe out through your mouth like Darth Vader. Not a Star Wars fan? That’s okay! Breathe out with a great big sigh. Repeat 5 times.
  3. Put your feet flat on the floor. Imagine growing roots into the ground. Wiggle your toes. Do this several times. Notice how your feet feel.
  5. Stomp your feet 5 times. Notice how your feet and legs feel.
  7. Make a fist 10 times. Notice how your hands feel.
  9. Press your hands together. Count to 10. Notice how your arms and hands feel.
  11. Rub your hands together. Try fast and slow. Notice the sound and feelings in your hands.
  13. Reach your hands up to the sky. Count to 10. Notice how the stretch feels.
  15. Take 5 more Darth Vader or sighing breaths.

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