
Self-care is often talked about, but what is it? Self-care is taking care of yourself so that you can be the best version of yourself and continue to be there for others. Self-care is vital to maintaining your health. Self-care is not the same as being selfish. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. It is important to note that taking care of yourself means engaging with the different dimensions of health. To take a closer look at these, please visit the Health and Wellness section. 

As someone who works with children/youth, you may often find yourself in a position where you are giving a lot of time, energy, and attention to the children under your care. This is why it is important to take time to engage in activities that promote your health. When we engage with children or adults who are facing challenges or have experienced trauma, this can impact us and how we see the world. That is why practicing self-care is important. It helps us maintain our well-being. Self-care helps us to recharge our batteries so we can face life’s challenges.

Taking time out in your day to care for your health can help you to deal with the stress and challenges you face. For more ideas on how to practice self-care, check out the self-care bingo. 

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