Healthy Relationships

Healthy Relationships are With People Who Are:

  • Kind
  • Caring
  • There to listen to you
  • Comfortable to be around
  • Respectful
  • Safe
  • Supportive


Healthy relationships can be with friends, family, or any adult in your life.

What Does It Mean to Be a Good Friend?

A good friend is:

  • Kind
  • Caring
  • Someone who listens to you
  • Comfortable to be around
  • Respectful
  • Safe
  • Encouraging
  • Fun


Sounds a lot like a healthy relationship doesn’t it?

Healthy relationships are not just with others. They are with you, too! You can be a good friend to yourself by being kind, encouraging, and nice like you would be to a friend.

In a healthy relationship, you have safe secrets and safe touches.

Safe Secrets are something fun! Like a surprise. They do not make you feel upset or sad.

Safe Touches are fun, comfortable, and caring. They are respectful to you and your space, like a high five or a hug.

Consent is asking if something is okay to do, like “Can I give you a hug?”. The person can say no if they want to and that is okay! You are also allowed to say no to any unwanted touching, and that is okay, too!

If someone asks you to do something that is unsafe or uncomfortable, you can say “No,” “Stop,” or “I don’t want to. These are your personal safety rules.

Body Boundary Rules: no one should look at, touch, or take pictures of your body without your permission (Permission means that you are saying yes).

Unhealthy Relationships

Relationships are not always healthy. When they are not, that is when we ask for help!

Unhealthy Relationships Are With People Who Make You Feel:

  • Unsafe
  • Uncomfortable
  • Hurt
  • Not listened to
  • Scared


If you have someone who makes you feel like this, tell someone. It is important to get help!

In an unhealthy relationship, there are unsafe touches and unsafe secrets.

Unsafe Touches feel strange, uncomfortable, confusing, or yucky. They could be from someone you know or someone you do not know.

Unsafe Secrets are not fun. They feel uncomfortable or scary. They can be about hurting you or someone else. The other person tells you not to tell your parents or a trusted adult and that if you do tell something bad will happen.

Tell a trusted adult if you have any unsafe secrets or touches.

Further Resources

If you would like to speak to someone about mental health issues, the Alberta Health Services Mental Health Help Line is available 24/7, offering information and referrals on any aspect of mental health.

Call toll-free: 1-877-303-2642

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