
We have many different types of emotions, and they are all a part of us. Each emotion is important in its own way. Some of our emotions are comfortable. They make us feel good. There are others which are uncomfortable. They are the ones which feel a bit more serious.

There are no good or bad emotions. All our feelings are important! It is okay to feel each one of them. What is important is expressing your emotions in a healthy way.

When you spread your happy emotions with others, that is a healthy way to express them. You are being kind and spreading joy. Sharing your comfortable emotions with others is kind and you can brighten someone’s day. When we have uncomfortable emotions, we often do not know what to do with them. Sometimes, we do not feel very kind when we have uncomfortable feelings. It is okay you are feeling those emotions. We just need to work through them in a positive way. 

Think of some activities which help you to feel better. These are positive ways to deal with your emotions. 

To deal with uncomfortable emotions you could:

  • Go for a walk
  • Take a break
  • Colour
  • Draw
  • Play a game
  • Play with a friend, pet, toys, or your brother or sister
  • Cry
  • Take some deep, slow breaths
  • Take some deep slow breaths
  • Talk to someone you trust
  • Read a book
  • Play a Sport
  • Go outside

What are some things you like to do to calm down?

If you try to calm yourself down and it does not work, that is okay. Talk to a trusted adult and they will help you work through your emotions. Sometimes, we need some extra help and that is okay. 

f you are struggling with your emotions and you feel like you want to hurt yourself or others, talk to a trusted adult about it. Hurting yourself or someone else is not okay. Ask for help before you lash out and hurt someone.

If you feel like you just want to escape the world through things like video games and you have a hard time removing yourself from it, talk to a trusted adult about it. You are responsible for your emotions and how you express them.  It is okay not to be okay. You just need to reach out for help when you need it.

If you ever feel like:

  • Hurting yourself or others
  • Controlling things like what you eat
  • You have issues expressing yourself
  • You’re constantly worried
  • You want to escape reality through things like video games and have a hard time getting out
  • Feel sad or angry all the time


Talk to a trusted adult. If the first person you tell does not listen, tell someone else. They will help connect you with someone who can help you feel better. Talking to someone can be challenging but you deserve to feel happy.

Help Lines

This phone number will connect you with adults who are there to help. You can trust them to talk about anything.

Kids Help Phone: 1-800-668–6868
Text: 686868

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