Online Relationships

Online can be fun! There are games, music, and videos. We can talk to friends and family online.

Tips for Being Safe Online:

  • Only talk to people you know
  • Do not post or tell people things about your life, like where you live, your name, or your birthday
  • Go online with adult help
  • Use kid friendly sites or apps
  • Do not talk to strangers online

Healthy Online Relationships

What are healthy online relationships?

They are:

  • Comfortable
  • Safe
  • With people we know in real life

Unhealthy Online Relationships

What are unhealthy online relationships

They are:

  • Uncomfortable
  • Not safe
  • With people you do not know
  • With people who might ask you do to things you do not want to do
  • With people who pretend to be your friend


If you feel scared, uncomfortable, or unsafe talking to someone online, talk to a trusted adult. Ask for help.

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Online Relationships

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Online Relationships

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